You will Need:
A picture of Each Student - you may already have them from school pictures, if not use a digital camera.
1-Tub, Foam Alphabet Letters - you can find these at teacher or craft stores
1-Ream, Assorted Colors, Construction Paper.
1. Let students select the color of construction paper they want to use.
2. Pass out pictures. Explain to your students that they will be glueing letters, that spell out their names, below, above, or beside their pictures.
3. Have students glue their picture in the center of the construction paper. They then need to cut away the construction paper, leaving about a two inch border. This border can be cut straight or wavy.
4. In groups of four, have students gather the letters that will spell out their names. At their desks have them glue the letters down around their framed picture.
Another nice touch, if you have them avaiable, have students glue a magnet to the back of their alphabet Frame. Then, mom can put it on the frig!
That's It!