Yippee! I’m so excited in less than one week my son returns to school. During “summer time” he’s tends to be under foot and demanding of my attention. However, the upside of “summer time” is my son stays up late and sleeps till about 11:00 every morning - out of my hair. So, since I’m a morning person, during “summer time” I’m able to write during the time I usually spend getting him ready for school.
Now all that’s about to end, starting tomorrow I will be turning his clock back to “school time.” I’m going to get him back into his school routine by doing the following:
-Begin waking him up early every morning before school starts. He’ll need to get out of bed and get dressed. He’s not going to like this. Too Bad! He’s got to get his internal clock reset -school starts early,7:15. Of course I’ll warn him tonight – maybe.
- Start gathering up his back pack, bicycle lock and all the other stuff he needs to travel to school. Then inventory and organize school supplies – paper, pencils, pens, erasers, markers, colored pencils, rulers, calculator, protractor…. It takes a lot of stuff to educate a kid these days.
-Get all his clothes organized. Sort out all the clothes he’s outgrown. Buy new ones if neccessary. This will probably require a major re-organization of his closet. He’s going to have to pitch some of that junk he’s saving - i.e. useless remote control airplanes.
-Begin practicing the trombone everyday. Although, he’s required to practice piano everyday I’ve let him slide by on the trombone - no pun intended. Tomorrow that will all end. I’ll sit in agony and make sure he goes through his scales.
-Put him to bed early tomorrow night. Check on him several times, making sure he hasn’t turned the TV on or is playing an X-Box game. Poor kid! Has a television in his room.
Ah, the sweet days of “summer time” have come to an end for my son. But the bliss of “school time” is just around the corner for me.