What you'll need to make two egg carton dragons:
1- egg carton
1- 9" x 11" piece green felt
1- 9" x 11" piece red felt
4- wiggle eyes (found in craft stores)
1- bottle green craft paint
1- bottle craft glue
1. Cut the top of the egg carton off. Cut the crate (bottom) in two-lengthwise. Paint the egg carton, inside and out green, let dry.
2. From the green felt cut three 2"x 2" squares. Cut these in half diagonally. You will now have six triangles for the scales.
3. Glue these triangle/scales along the outside of the egg carton.
4. From the green felt, cut another piece of felt 1" x 5". Fold this piece in half and cut it diagonally, you'll have a long triangular piece. Glue this piece to the end of the egg carton for the dragon's tail.
5. From the red felt, cut a piece 1" x 2 1/2". Fold this piece in half and cut diagonally, you'll have a long triangular piece. Glue this piece on the opposite end for the dragon's tongue.
6. Above the tongue glue two wiggle eyes.
Display the kids' dragons along the windowsill or make a bulletin board especially for them.
Have fun!