A Journal
Many teachers travel during the summer. A journal is the perfect gift to record memorable experiences about a special trip, write down thoughts while flying or driving across country, or just to jot down ideas for the following school year.
A Photo Album
Teachers take photos of their students throughout the year. It may be to catch a fun Halloween party or take individual portraits for a writing project. A photo album will come in handy to organize those photos.
A Scrapbook
Every school years brings new memories. Pictures and cards from students, certificates or awards from parents or school districts, can be saved in a scrapbook.
An Assortment of Coffees or Teas
A cup of tea or a hot cup of coffee is just what a teacher needs on a cold fall morning - especially after playground duty.
A Gift Certificate
You can never go wrong with gift certificates. Maybe a day at the spa, tickets to a movie or dinner at a nice restaurant - all will be appreciated.
Whatever you choose, it's really the thought that counts, when you give that special teacher a gift, at the end of the year.