Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Field Trips: They're Not Just for Kids if You're a Children's Writer

Do you want to succeed as a children's writer? Read what Children's writer Suzanne Lieurance has to say.

It always amazes me when I meet people who want to write for children, yet they haven't read a single children's book since they were children or since their own kids (now ages 35 and 42) were little.Don't they get it? Publishers change, publications change, and even children change with the times! If you want to write for children, you need to start taking "field trips" to keep up with these changes. You'll not only be better informed about today's markets, you'll also become a better writer in the process.
Besides...these trips are fun!

Take regular field trips to the children's section of your local bookstores and the public library. If your interest is in writing picture books, start by looking at as many pictures books as you can each time you visit. If you'd like to write beginning readers, or early chapter books, take time to look at some of these.

If you don't want to spend the money to actually purchase a few of the titles in either of these categories, look for these books at your local library. Check them out and take them home where you can read them and study them.

Once you start making these little field trips, you'll look forward to them and realize how valuable they are to your writing.

Suzanne Lieurance is a children's author, freelance writer, and owner of the Three Angels Gourmet Co. Find out more about writing for children at her website at or visit to learn more about her freelance writing services. Read her daily food tips at Source:

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